Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Met Andrew McCarthy at New York Comic Con

Went to New York Comic Con 2013 and met 80's star, Andrew McCarthy, a favorite of mine from "Mannequin" (he signed my VHS copy!) and "Weekend At Bernies". The dude was cool and looked great for being in his 50's and did not rush anything (unlike most of the photo ops). He asked where I was from and said he's been to my small Canadian Hometown. After doing some research on what he's been up to the past few years, I did know he was in "Kingdom Hospital" and directed a few episodes of the great, "Orange Is The New Black" for Netflix, but had no clue he was also an award winning travel writer for The New York Times and National Geographic Traveler, among many others. The guy was travel journalist of the year in 2010. Wow. I don't get to meet many celebrities so this was pretty cool. Now to track down Kim Cattrall.